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What if all it took to improve each day was 5 minutes? From the Instagram page @MySelfLoveSupply comes A Hug in Your Book, a pocket-sized comfort book that will transform your everyday life through tiny habit changes. Filled with 5-minute, 15-minute and 30-minute self-care routines tailored to your needs, it is a book full of self-kindness tips, quotes, reminders and routines for happier days.

A Hug in a Book: Everyday Self-Care and Comforting Rituals Pop Press

469 грн.
Артикул: 9781529149630
Вага: 206 г
Немає в наявності

What if all it took to improve each day was 5 minutes?

From the Instagram page @MySelfLoveSupply comes A Hug in Your Book, a pocket-sized comfort book that will transform your everyday life through tiny habit changes.

Filled with 5-minute, 15-minute and 30-minute self-care routines tailored to your needs, it is a book full of self-kindness tips, quotes, reminders and routines for happier days.

Характеристики товару
Тип товаруКнига
КатегоріяПсихологія, Саморозвиток
АвториMy Self-Love Supply
Рік видання2022
Кількість сторінок128
Розміри, мм158 x 112 x 16
Вага206 гр
ВидавництвоPop Press
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