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Explore the world in this flap book, discovering all sorts of endangered animals and the ways they are being threatened by people. But it's not all doom and gloom - every page contains things scientists and governments are doing to save them, as well as things YOU can do to help at home.

Look inside Animals in Danger Usborne / Книга з віконцями

440 грн.
Артикул: 9781474999045
Вага: 410 г
Купити в 1 клік

Explore the world in this flap book, discovering all sorts of endangered animals and the ways they are being threatened by people. But it's not all doom and gloom - every page contains things scientists and governments are doing to save them, as well as things YOU can do to help at home.

Характеристики товару
Тип товаруКнига з віконцями
СеріяUsborne Look Inside...
КатегоріяЕнциклопедії, Пізнавальні
АвториAlice James, Jessica Bretherton
Вік, від5 років
Рік видання2022
Кількість сторінок14
Розміри, мм218 x 192 x 19
Вага410 гр
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